There is not a journey for everyone but everyone has a journey waiting for them
Excursions in search of the different, the magical, the authentic.
Do you want to travel with all your senses? Rediscover the slow, safe and light rhythms of nature? Live the deep breath of what is born from the earth? Know the history, the secrets and the life of some of the most famous wines in the world, the heart of the Mediterranean plant, the magic of truffles or the natural perfumes of the most famous and ancient perfumeries in the world?
Have you dreamed of a sunset excursion with a special dinner in the nature? A night on the Apuan Alps under the stars? A weekend in the woods learning from nature its laws? A dive back to the time of the Etruscans? Two detox days in the thermal baths of Val d'Orcia? Or immersed in the spirit of nature in the sacred mountains of Casentino?
If in these pages you have not found the trip that corresponds to your time or you want to live unique moments only with those who are closest to you or celebrate differently an important occasion, we can create with you and for you experiences according to your desires.
You can help us make your trip unique by letting us inspire you with a few suggestions and providing some simple information to shape the experience you want.
places where history and nature have made this country unique

places where scents, knowledge and flavors accompany our steps (and pedaling)