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whispers from hidden worlds


The love for nature, for the cultures of people and for the essence of things has always animated and lead us towards the research of new hidden corners, learning from the smallest of signs and listening to the stories they tell.


We immerse ourselves in the landscape, using all five senses. We are moved by a sunset or a glance, by a scent or a taste, by the softness of moss on a stone, by the chirping of a bird, and even more by silence.


Our work is based on trust, and the basis of all trust is transparency. Every phase of the project, every item of cost, every suggestion is under the banner of total transparency to give travelers the best and most authentic emotions.


No beauty or secret is revealed to those who are not in harmony with nature. We have decided to protect it and take care of it and each our gesture is aimed in this direction; every experience you will live with us will be characterized by respect.


Ascoltare forse è il cuore di ogni gesto. Stare attenti ai dettagli, rispettare le voci di ogni creatura, arrivare a cogliere i segnali più lievi del mondo, saperne cogliere la bellezza, percepire i desideri di ogni viaggiatore per creare esperienze uniche.





I have always been a traveler, discovering peoples, lands, stories and nature. I have visited more than 120 countries testing materials and technical products of the outdoor world and exploring places and cultures in search of ideas and new languages for companies in the sector. I have slept in forests around the world, swum in the most diverse waters, spent most of my life in the midst of nature, studying and continuing to study to try to listen to its whispers, to understand its languages, to be inspired and surprised by the small miracles and magic that happen in every moment. I am a hiking guide, Survival expert and lover of water in all its forms.


DAVID Domilici

"The voice is the most important instrument, the body the best ... the rest is a consequence". 

So said the great percussionist Nana Vasconcelos.
I have been making music since the age of 7, with the humility and beauty of an eternal apprentice. Music is my life, nature my inspiration, with the materials it offers us from which I derive conventional and non-conventional ancestral instruments, which make up the “magic carpet of sounds”, my timbral orchestra. Creating images through sounds, enjoying the enchantment of being transported elsewhere by closing your eyes and listening; so I like to involve children and parents to make stones, trunks, sand, leaves "sing", to immerse themselves together in a world of sounds to grasp the intimate voice of everything nature offers.



Engineer turned traveler, focused on hiking since always. Member of CAI for 25 years I have acquired all the basic techniques of hiking and mountaineering by participating in numerous specialization courses and become an environmental guide. Curiosity has also led me to explore the world of food and wine with courses in sommelier, natural foods and cooking. I have been a Slow Food member for 20 years. Walks, encounters, experiences, sensations all lived with the intense slowness that allows you to capture the most intimate and hidden essence of the world in which we are immersed.



Photographer since 1987. To take the photographs I wanted to take, I travelled millions of miles across five continents, slept in two thousand different places, and experienced two thousand different mornings. The images are visual ideas to spark a flash in the eyes and mind of the viewer, generating new ideas. I have created hundreds of photographic services of geographical, ethnographic and touristic nature for specialized publishers. I founded Atlantide Phototravel, an agency specialized in travel reportage and Tethys Gallery, a small and dynamic Florentine gallery. Today I alternate between photographic campaigns for major international archives and the production of photographic books and services for the corporate sector.



In love with the mountain and its magic, from the very first steps I was captivated by every movement and by every energy that lives there. Since I was a child, I have practiced theatre and contemporary dance in search of rhythm and the forces that animate every being in nature. I run, with my family, a B&B in the heart of the Apuan Alps where I am originally from. Convinced that nature contains within itself the greatest form of art, I became a Hiking Guide to experience it with the awareness and slowness that is needed. We are waiting for you for unforgettable walks!

LISA Cigolini

“Look at all eyes. Look” said Jules Verne.

This is my mantra, to observe behind the smallest flower or beyond the farthest horizon. I have always been involved in communication and graphics. With imagination I have travelled roads and ideas convinced that the most sublime art is learning to look. I love the details; the commas and I always think about how to improve every project that I take care of with dedication. Passionate about macrophotography and entomology, I have learned to look at the world with different eyes. Traveling for me is training my gaze, freeing it, having new eyes. 

 And then everything still seems possible.


ANNETTE Rübesamen

I became a travel journalist because I like to explore the world and because I am curious. It’s wonderful to be able to set off towards new horizons, but I’ve learned that to see something new you don’t always need to travel to the end of the world, you just need to turn a corner, change region, climb a semi-deserted mountain village. The important thing is to do it with open mind, heart and eyes. Knowing how to observe, listen and smell. 

And this is what I have been doing for more than 25 years in Italy, my adopted country that I love and that I know much better than my Germany.

 If I were to be reborn? I will be a winemaker. In Tuscany.




Journalist and professional photographer, I have traveled the world as a photo reporter publishing in periodicals and for personal exhibitions. I am a hiking environmental guide and I have been part of the National Alpine Rescue Corps; mountaineering instructor of the CAI schools I have been able to photograph and get to know the remote corners of the most beautiful mountains in Europe. For years I have been dedicating a lot of time to photographing the Apuan Alps, walking both the alpine routes as well as the traditional trails and still they surprise me and reveal new faces; in 2017 I published Apuane, a black and white look at these sublime waves of stone.



For years I have been constantly researching the landscape and the human figure through my work using the digital art of videomaking to express myself and communicate. I undertook studies on photography and visual perception and how to analyse and understand the aspects behind photographic art. This led me to photograph outdoors in nature, using natural light, with a personal and spontaneous style. I discovered a new vocation, that of the Naturalistic Hiking Guide, a perfect combination between Location Shooting and Environmental Disclosure.

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After humanistic studies, since 1998 I have been working in the field of archaeological photography at the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Firenze. Active since the mid-90s in the field of documentary photography, I began to publish and exhibit my work in galleries, festivals and cultural institutions in Italy, Europe and the United States. Since 2004 I have been teaching, as well as for other U.S. university programs, at SACI, a university-level U.S. Academy of Art based in New York and Florence, as a lecturer in photography, co-director of the two-year Master of Photography program, and director of the program dedicated to the Venice Biennale of Art and Architecture. Since 2018 I have been teaching for the Leica Akademie in Florence.

JACOPO Santini

After humanistic studies, since 1998 I have been working in the field of archaeological photography at the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Firenze. Active since the mid-90s in the field of documentary photography, I began to publish and exhibit my work in galleries, festivals and cultural institutions in Italy, Europe and the United States. Since 2004 I have been teaching, as well as for other U.S. university programs, at SACI, a university-level U.S. Academy of Art based in New York and Florence, as a lecturer in photography, co-director of the two-year Master of Photography program, and director of the program dedicated to the Venice Biennale of Art and Architecture. Since 2018 I have been teaching for the Leica Akademie in Florence.



whispers from hidden worlds

The description of this beautiful land of ours should embrace you in all its dimensions: spaces, events and experiences. But the places where history has settled down over the millennia, and where nature has preserved its secrets, do not easily reveal their past. Yet they contain it, like the lines of our palms. 

The cut of the horizon, the arrangement of stones, the ruins of a temple or the colors of a wave are all signs that we will follow, allowing them to lead us into distant worlds. In the footsteps of queens and brigands, of knights and hermits, we will encounter inebriating flowers and millenary trees: we will take you inside the tales of unforgettable landscapes.

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